Sunday, December 29, 2024
Product Reviews

H Varicose Veins Formula | Product Review

I felt that this product review for H Varicose Veins Formula was important because so many people in the US suffer from varicose veins or spider veins and I am one of them. I have suffered from spider veins which are hereditary with the women in my family. I noticed the change in 2001 after having my second child. Years ago, I went to a dermatologist to see how I could get rid of those unsightly veins around my ankles. The news was not good. At the time, I was told that laser didn’t work that well on spider veins and would be very costly.

I had asked about Sclerotherapy which involves an injection of a salt solution into the veins to diminish them but I was told if I did that, the needle would leave a brown spot at the injection site. The dermatologist had told me, I could either use a self-tanner to cover the spider veins or have many brown spots on my legs from the injections. I decided not to opt for the injections, mainly due to fear of how my legs would look. Now, I just use a self-tanner in the summer months when wearing shorts, skirts, a bathing suit, etc and I have just learned to live with them.

Varicose veins, on the other hand, can cause aching pain and discomfort, as these veins are enlarged twisted veins and may cause people to feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. Spider veins are a milder type of varicose vein which are smaller than varicose veins and often look like a spider web. This is where H Varicose Veins Formula comes in.

How H-Varicose Veins Formula Works

According to the Chicago Vein Institute, over 40 million people in the United States suffer from varicose veins and over 50% of varicose vein patients have a family history of varicose veins. If both parents have them, your chance of getting them are close to 90%. It is estimated that 50% of the US population over 50 years old has varicose veins.

Indications: This unique product is applied topically to the condition and starts working immediately. The homeopathic ingredients, such as Collinsonia canadensis, have been carefully selected for symptoms like vascular engorgement.

Directions: Apply topically around and above varicose veins and directly onto spider veins. The formula can easily be applied with a cotton swab or with your finger. The formula is concentrated, so only a few drops are necessary.

How Long Does It Take?

Results will differ from person to person. The formula will typically alleviate the discomfort caused by the swelling right away. Complete results can take a few weeks.

My Thoughts on the H-Varicose Veins Formula

This is an all natural product that is gentle on the skin and can work over time to diminish varicose veins or spider veins and is much less costly than Sclerotherapy or any type of surgical treatment. This is an all natural product made with essential oils that penetrates deep into skin tissue and will aid in rapidly reducing venous congestion & discomfort. If you suffer from varicose veins or spider veins, this is definitely a product worth trying with no risk to you as Healing Natural Oils has a 90-day money back guarantee.

This is a great, all natural product if you suffer from varicose veins and/or spider veins.

Symptoms include:

  • Your legs ache and feel heavy and congested if you sit or stand for any length of time.
  • Veins bulge or appear twisted for a portion of your leg or there is an outline of bluish veins.
  • The vein(s) become itchy & irritated or becomes inflamed after prolonged periods of sitting.

H-Varicose Veins Formula comes in 2 sizes:

An 11 ml bottle – which is $32.95 (ships the same day)

A 33 ml bottle – which is $69.95 (free shipping offered on $49 or more)

What Others Think About H-Varicose Veins Formula

Pros and Cons


  • Gentle & natural for varicose veins, spider veins
  • Highest quality ingredients extracted from plants
  • No harmful additives or chemicals
  • FDA Listed & manufactured in the USA


On the negative side, you may need to order a few bottles if you have a large area where you are applying the product but with the price point at $32.95, this is still a great deal and less expensive than other products that don’t work. Results will vary from person to person but the product has shown to be extremely effective with consistent applications and patience.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I think this is a fantastic product that you need to have on your shelf if you suffer from varicose veins/spider veins or if you just want to get ready for summer, feeling more confident not covering up or feeling self-conscious by an issue that affects millions of Americans.

H-Varicose Veins Formula is FDA listed and formulated for safe, effective symptomatic spider veins and varicose vein formula. This all-natural product penetrates deep into skin tissue and will aid in rapidly reducing venous congestion & discomfort.

Where to Buy H-Varicose Veins Formula

Click Here To Get Your Bottle Of H-Varicose Veins Formula

Have you used H-Varicose Veins Formula? We would love to hear your feedback in the comment section below.

2 thoughts on “H Varicose Veins Formula | Product Review

    1. Hi Kristen,

      The manufacturer doesn’t specify it can be used for the facial area, however, this is an all-natural product that is gentle and safe on the skin, and contains no chemicals or additives. I believe it would be fine to use on the face but I am not a doctor. I personally would use it on my face but would do a patch test on the jawline by the ear first if you were going to try it, just to make sure you have no sensitivities to it. I also found a 5-star review from someone else that had used it on their nose and chin area and it worked for them. I posted it below. Please let me know how it worked for you if you decide to try it. Thanks for reaching out. Take care, Renee

      Ivy123 – Houston, TX
      I’m 48 and have spider veins developing around my nose and chin. I applied this as directed for a month and they have decreased in visibility by about 50%. I’m very pleased with the improvement. Thank you! *
      – Ivy123

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