Saturday, August 10, 2024
Essential Oils

Staying Healthy Through The Coronavirus Crisis

We all are feeling the effects these days from the novel coronavirus sweeping the globe. I live in the Midwest, in the middle of farm country, so for me, it is social distancing at its best but being quarantined at home has proven to be difficult from experiencing extreme boredom. On the upside, I have been able to enjoy my passion for writing more and on the downside, I have been eating much more than I normally do. It’s just too easy to walk to my refrigerator and give in to certain temptations.

To combat that problem, I do try to get out of the house and take the dogs for a walk but it got me thinking about what else we could be doing to stay healthy through the coronavirus crisis. As everyone is trying to adjust to these times of change, it’s also important that we remember to get a good night’s rest, eat healthy, exercise, and drink plenty of water daily, but what about the ways we can benefit from essential oils at this critical time?

Diffusing Essential Oils

If I could just sum it up in one word, it would be “DIFFUSE.” Simply put, a diffuser could protect your immune system. I use my diffuser every night at bedtime. Diffusion is a process wherein the volatile molecules of essential oils intermingle with the surrounding air molecules. Using a room diffuser is the easiest way to dispense the benefits of essential oils into the air, which can improve your mood, boost your energy, add moisture to the air (if using an ultrasonic diffuser, which works as a humidifier as well) and promote good sleep. Not only does it help clean the air in my room, but it also helps me get a good night’s rest, which is so important in staying healthy. This is a natural way of life for me now, and I know I’m healthier today than I was before I started diffusing.

Making Your Own Hand Sanitizer With CDC Recommendations

The CDC recommends that all hand sanitizer contains at least 60% alcohol. With hand sanitizer currently flying off the shelves and the difficulty of even finding it available, why not make your own at home? It’s simple to do and much more cost-effective compared to the markups I’m now seeing online just to purchase a bottle of it…that’s if you can even find it. This DIY hand sanitizer recipe kills germs naturally and knowing how to make your own can be a godsend in times like these. Adding essential oils to your hand sanitizer can help in providing additional antibacterial benefits, which can improve its effectiveness.


  • 3/4 cup isopropyl alcohol 99% (Rubbing alcohol)
  • 1/4 cup aloe vera gel
  • 1 teaspoon glycerin
  • 10 drops of essential oil (I like using Lavender and Chamomile since they are soothing to the skin)

Mix the ingredients together and use a funnel to pour them into a bottle and you’re ready to go. I also like to store the bottle in my refrigerator so it lasts longer. The coolness also feels good.

Carrying A Roller Bottle With You

Our moods seem to be affected these days, now more than ever. If you find yourself out running to the grocery store and feeling sluggish and down, sometimes using a roller bottle with essential oils can boost your mood and make a world of difference.

The Happiness Mood Booster Blend:

  • 5 drops Orange essential oil
  • 3 drops Lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil
  • 10 drops Lemon essential oil

Add all oils to a roller bottle and fill with a carrier oil. I use fractionated coconut oil or jojoba oil for its moisturizing benefits to the skin.

*Note – Use a brown or blue colored glass bottle and keep out of sunlight. It is best to store in a cool, dark place, like the refrigerator. This will prolong the shelf life of the oils.

My Favorite Essential Oils For Immune Support

Lemon Essential Oil – Lemon essential oil is extracted from the peel of fresh lemons using a cold-pressing process that releases the oil from the lemon. It’s known for its detoxifying effects on the body, can kill harmful viruses and bacteria, and can rid the body of toxic buildup. Start your day by adding a few drops to your water in the morning.

Lavender Essential Oil – Lavender essential oil works to kill bacteria and can stimulate the body’s immune function through its anti-microbial properties. It can be used in numerous ways, such as taken orally, applied to the skin, and breathed in through aromatherapy. My favorite way is using it in my diffuser, which helps support better sleep, therefore, it allows my body to heal and restore. Another bonus is it smells heavenly and gives me an overall sense of well-being. I also enjoy putting a few drops of it in a hot bath for relaxation and stress relief.

Cinnamon Essential Oil – This oil is popular for its fragrant smell. It reminds me of the holidays, but its also one of the strongest anti-bacterial essential oils with some anti-fungal properties. It’s excellent for adding to cleaning products in small amounts but avoid using it directly on your skin. For immune support, try diffusing a blend of cinnamon, eucalyptus, wild orange, clove, and rosemary.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil – This is a wonderful oil to add to the chest or diffuser to help treat the symptoms of the common cold. It can help clear congested sinuses and is effective against the flu, E. coli, and some Staph strains.


Diffuse, Diffuse, Diffuse… Many essential oils have antibacterial and antiviral effects that can protect your immune system when inhaled. By diffusing the oils in the air, airborne germs are warded off before you become ill. It is a great way to keep cold, flu and other illnesses at bay. I also personally believe it may keep my immune system healthier if I were to become exposed to the coronavirus symptoms, which include cough, fever, sore throat, and headaches. I’ve noticed that vitamin C has quickly flown off of store shelves, and is hard to find anywhere at the moment. This is going to be a tough month but it’s critical now more than ever to do whatever we can to protect our health. I hope you find some of these benefits useful in staying healthy through the coronavirus crisis. If you have any questions about using essential oils, please leave a comment in the section below and I would be happy to help.

2 thoughts on “Staying Healthy Through The Coronavirus Crisis

  1. Really interesting! After reading your blog I’ve visited a chiropractor near my town in Jacksonville. And I’ve asked those questions which were in my mind regarding that treatment and you know the doc was really impressed about the quality of information that I gather after reading a few articles. Thanks for exploring my mind!

    1. You are very welcome. It makes me so happy to hear that you had some of your questions answered and to know that your doctor was even impressed by the information. Thank you for reaching out and letting me know. I’m always happy to help in any way I can. 🙂

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